I've been browssing this japanese site http://ohayousa.com/
and I ran across this product

Pinksbeauty Pink's Magic Lash (P)
So they claim:
Pinksbeauty Pink's Magic Lash is a treatment type mascara that makes your lash growth volumizer, thicker, fuller, and longer. This is the first-ever lash enhancing product that has been specially developed to work. The gel contained in this small bottle is so concentrated that you need only apply once a day. There's no trick-simply apply this as you would with eyeliner. You can also be applied on eyebrows. Make-up, including mascara, can still be safely applied twenty minutes after using this products. This dramatic look can be achieves in as little as 45 to 90 days. Must be applied nightly to achieve maximum results. You will see perfect eye lashes will come back.
You should use this if you want thicker eyelashes, have thin or shor eyelashes, have a difficult time curling lahses, want to stop using mascara, or expect fuller eyelashes.
Price: a whopppinnn $110!!! and there is a diffrent one for asian eys i believe that is for $150.
VERDICT: should I trust this product enough to buy it?
**Well anyways i have been totally MIA from the blogger world:(. Chemistry and math is really kicking me in the ass no joke! Anyways...I also have been working three to four times a week: 6-hour + shifts at this Bubble and Crepe place (we make yummy tapioca drinks!) but then my boss still owes me Moneyyyy aHH totally venting. And with that i have boy issues; how they are just as scandalous as girls i mean come on now! Next to add that I am actually doing the Multi-Cultural (VIETNAMESE) at my school, but our practice has been progressing really slow and I'm nervous how its going to be since were doing the fan danceee and drumssss...( I can't find the video of what it looks likeee damnn..
well NITE lovelysss:)
hey doll
i dont think we have met...but you have some nice looking BJ lips!!!yup those are my compliments...hahaha..to answeryour question to a cheaper alternative that i hear that works is the ardel lash and brow growth
here is a pic...
and here is a review...
hopes this helps!
Hey girl you got a cute blog! Well hmm I got eyelash extensions a few weeks ago and find it amazing, I look like bambi without having to put on mascara :)
My eyelashes are great and even got quite
.. I care that much with the mascara
I use because my eyelashes are often too large and I do not like it much because it does not seem natural =/
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